

ITS2022 is the upcoming Conference of the series of Intelligent Tutoring Systems Conferences on Computer and Cognitive Sciences, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning in Tutoring and Education. ITS2022 will be held in Bucharest, Romania from June 29 to July 01, 2022. The conference will be hybrid and it will allow participants to attend it on-line too.


Theme of ITS2022

The ITS2022 Conference is about New Challenges for ITS During and After COVID. ITS 2022 presents academic and research achievements of Computer and Cognitive Sciences, AI and Deep Learning vis-a-vis the advances of Intelligent Tutoring Systems.


ITS2022 papers should be original and not published or submitted to any other journal or conference.
All paper submissions should be made through the Easychair platform.
Paper submissions should be in PDF and in English.

In order to increase high-quality papers and independent merit, the evaluation process of papers is double-blind.
All papers submitted for review MUST not contain the authors’ names, affiliations, or any information that may disclose the authors’ identity (this information is to be restored in the camera-ready version upon acceptance). Authors should replace names and affiliations with Xs on submitted papers. In particular, in the version submitted for review, they should avoid explicit auto-references, such as “in [1] we show” — consider “in [1] it is shown“; i.e. they may cite previous works, provided that they are not deducible from the text that the cited works belong to the authors. When citing their previous work, they should keep the names with Xs.

The ITS2022 Proceedings will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS) by Springer.

Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers.

Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers.


Main Conference
Workshops & Tutorials



The Hosting Institution of the ITS2022 Conference is the Politehnica University of Bucharest.